COVID-19 Update


COVID-19 Update

All reports are that everyone around the Region continue to be COVIDfree, healthy and well. There are a few members who have sadly lost jobs or had hours cut back, but we are doing everything we can to assist them and their families through this difficult trial. However, the good news is that overall the majority of God’s people in the Asia-Pacific Region are in good shape, both physically and spiritually.

The one outstanding thing I have noticed through all of this is the overwhelming sense of love and rational thinking expressed by God’s people. It should not be surprising, but in a world that seems to be gripped by fear, worry and anxiety, where many individuals are suffering from depression and thoughts of suicide, God’s people stand apart. Why? There are a number of reasons for this, but I think the two main ones are:

  1. We know the future as revealed in Bible prophecy.
  2. The Spirit of God is a “Spirit of Power, Love and a Sound Mind” (2 Timothy 1:7).

God’s people are also demonstrating an unusual sense of peace. That too is remarkable, considering all that has happened. But we also know from God’s Word that peace comes from obeying God. Psalm 119:165 says, “Great peace have those who love Your law, and nothing causes them to stumble.” Truly brethren, as the world continues often in wilful ignorance and the countdown to Christ’s return draws nearer day by day, we all have the opportunity to be wonderful examples to our friends and family. We can truly let our light shine in these COVID days. And when people ask you, “How do you stay so positive in a time like this?”, it truly presents a perfect opportunity to share with them the hope that is in us (I Peter 3:15).

For most of us it has been just over two months in lockdown. Many countries are beginning to lighten restrictions. As we begin to go back to school, work and weekly Sabbath services, let’s not forget the lessons we have learnt. Most of us have made good use of our time during these COVID days for self-reflection, digging into God’s Word and strengthening our relationship with Jesus Christ. Perhaps I might encourage everyone not to grow weary while doing good. Let’s endeavour to keep up the good work and continue growing in spiritual wisdom and understanding. Don’t let the conspiracists, the politics and scaremongers side-track you from your first priority to seek FIRST the Kingdom of God and His righteousness (Matthew 6:33).

Brethren, I especially want to let you know what an amazing blessing and privilege it was to have Mr Gerald Weston visit this Region and spend time with our brethren in both the Philippines and Thailand. Please keep Mr and Mrs Weston in your prayers. They have an enormous job and responsibility and we need to give them our 100% support and loyalty.

Finally, stay safe, keep well and I very much look forward to seeing you all again as soon as possible.

In Christian Love,

Robert Tyler
Australasian Regional Director