January-April 2023 Update
The world continues to fragment and spiral further into chaos and confusion. From what I am seeing Satan is attacking our children from every side. In the home, parents are encouraging their boys to transition into little girls and vice versa. At school, special change rooms are being installed for boys and girls who are hiding their gender dysphoria from their parents. Governments and influencers are also cancelling anyone who attempts to breathe common sense into this insane issue. I hope we are truly sighing and crying for the abominations that are happening around us. God said to the nation of Israel through the prophet Isaiah, “Justice is driven back; godliness stands far off. Indeed, honesty stumbles in the city square and morality is not even able to enter” (Isaiah 59:14, NET).
Dear parents and grandparents, we must have the greater influence for the sake of our children! God gave us clear responsibility to teach our children what justice, godliness and true morality look like. Moses instructed Israel, “You shall love the LORD your God, and keep His charge, His statutes, His judgments, and His commandments always… You shall teach them to your children, speaking of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up. And you shall write them on the door-posts of your house and on your gates” (Deuteronomy 11:1, 19-20). Please take the time with your children and help them see God’s way of life and the joy that comes from obeying Him.
(Find a helpful podcast on this topic here – https://brothertobrother.buzzsprout.com/2077904/12829227-b2b-interview-mr-stuart-wachowicz).
Pentecost is just around the corner (less than two weeks from writing) and I will be travelling to India to keep the Feast with our brethren. This will be my first trip to India since 2017, so I am very much looking forward to meeting many new members and connecting with those who have been faithfully holding onto the truth during the recent global pandemic. Mr Brian McKenzie (who is a member of the Indian Board of Directors) will accompany me to Goa where the Church is registered. We plan to hold a board meeting and have appointments with the bank, our auditor and company secretary. Unfortunately, some things cannot be accomplished online – in this case, in-person meetings are required. Mr and Mrs Rajan Moses will also meet us in Goa before we travel south to Kerala and finally to Khammam, which is about four hours by car east of Hyderabad. I will then fly to Bangkok on June 5 to meet our four Living Education students from the USA who are coming to Thailand to teach English at Baan Mae Ku Municipal School in Mae Sot.
Finally, I also wanted to mention some ministerial transfers which are taking place in the Philippines.
- Mr and Mrs Arendain will transfer to Bukidnon and Central Mindanao to work with the congregations and the men in that area. Mr Pisalbon and Mr Rivera will continue to work under Mr Arendain in serving congregations in Western Mindanao.
- In the Visayas, Mr and Mrs Osillos will transfer to Naga City and work with the men in the Bicol region. He will continue to pastor Eastern Visayas including Samar, Leyte, and Biliran.
- In Southern Mindanao, Mr and Mrs Amancio Cuares will move to Davao to assist Mr Felipe Casing in serving the congregations in Southern Mindanao as we work with some of the local men in that area.
Please continue to pray for God’s work and never take for granted the awesome privilege we have of being called at this time. We are one body, so let’s continue to watch out for each other, pray for each other and “keep the unity of the Faith” (Ephesians 4:13). Have a truly inspiring Feast of Pentecost wherever you are! And don’t forget to visit www.lcgasiapacific.org to view relevant content about the Feast of Pentecost.
In Christ’s Service,
Robert Tyler
Regional Director