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How do you feel when you receive mail, whether paper or
electronic? Let’s take good old-fashioned paper mail – the type you get in your
mail box. That anticipation as you open the cover, the excitement building as you
reach in and discover there is something inside, and the disappointment when
you discover its junk mail, despite the sign on the front that says, “No junk
mail”!… What if we apply this concept to our prayer life? When we pray, are we sending God “junk mail”? Could it end up as “spam”?

There will come a point in your life when the time comes to decide about taking the next step in your Christian walk. Do you press on to the next level of your faith, or do you perhaps come to realise the commitment involved in baptism and put on the brakes? It can seem scary at first because being baptised is a big decision to make and shouldn’t be entered into carelessly or flippantly. It is a decision that requires courage, counsel, prayer, and meditation.

All of us know that there are certain things in life that we should be doing, but we often find ourselves reluctant attending to them. We know regular exercise and eating healthy food is good for our physical health. We know prayer, Bible study, meditation, and fasting are good for our spiritual health and our relationship with our Creator. One of the things we need in life is Godly correction.

When Adam and Eve took of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, they set mankind on a path, away from obedience to God. In the Garden of Eden, our first ancestors essentially told God to stay out of their lives and that they would determine what is right or wrong. As we look around us today, it’s very obvious that society as a whole has not found the way back to God…

Part of the challenge of living in these end-times as a young person is the battle with lust. This undesirable trait will rear its ugly head in your life at some point and perhaps is even something that you are struggling with right now. Many fight this battle privately, feeling ashamed and guilty, and therefore seldom raise it with parents due to the negative connotations that come from this issue.

In the book of Proverbs, King Solomon admonishes young people to, “incline your ear to wisdom and apply your heart to understanding…and to seek her as silver, and search for her as for hidden treasures” (Proverbs 2:2, 4). Therefore, let’s begin our search for further understanding found in scripture on various aspects of God’s creation that can benefit us.

Despite being the oldest and best-selling book of all time, the Bible is viewed by many people today as archaic, obsolete, and irrelevant for a modern person. On the contrary, the Bible contains the most up-to-date and essential knowledge on many problems we are facing as a society, including the issues of gender and marriage.

A shocking tragedy happened on 17 September 2023, at Chennai District, Tamil Nadu, India. It was reported that 16 year old Meera, the daughter of the well-known actor and musician, Vijay Anthony, allegedly died by suicide at her residence. She was a year 12 student and was reportedly BATTLING STRESS.

Many professing Christian denominations hold fast to the doctrine that you are saved by God’s grace alone. That God is extending the free gift of His grace, His unmerited pardon, to us and all we need to do is say that we believe in the name of Jesus Christ and we will be saved. In fact, after the collapse of the Worldwide Church of God, this was one of the main doctrines that was changed.

Communicating and conversing with others is such an important part of our lives. It is how we build relationships, learn and share our thoughts and feelings. We impart knowledge, wisdom, and our life experiences with one another. There is, however, one vital aspect of communication that at times can be overlooked. Yes, communication certainly involves talking, but also, and arguably more importantly, requires listening.

As soon as we wake up in the morning, we start making decisions. Even as we lie in bed, we might be deciding how our day will play out. You might not think about that, but it’s true!

Our Almighty God in heaven has the power to do anything. He has given us life and breath. He has created the heavens and the earth. This same God is also able to bless our individual lives if we genuinely trust and obey Him; in fact, He promises to give us blessings!

What is a hero after all? What makes someone a hero? Would you consider yourself a hero? And how can you become a hero?

Jesus Christ set us a perfect spiritual example of not getting distracted in Luke 9:51-53. He was on a mission and nothing could deter Him. He was determined to finish His journey even though He knew that the path thereto was mostly uphill and very difficult. He never got distracted and because of that, you and I can look forward to something magnificent.

After coming back from the Feast, we start to prepare for the next Holy Days in the coming year. We will begin to save up our 2nd tithe and plan how to have better feast next year. In the midst of this exciting time and busyness of preparing for the Holy Days, we need to stop to think and meditate on the important reasons for keeping the Holy Days.

Does God regard women and girls as being less valuable than men and boys? This is an important question because, if it is true, then God could be accused of being a respecter of persons which the Bible clearly states that He is not. 

Boaz proved himself to be a man of great loyalty, a man in whom you could trust. His godly traits sit well with the other traits that we have examined. Boaz was a man that all men should strive to imitate and the type of man that all single women should seek in a potential husband.

Are you a confident person? If so, what is the source of that confidence? Is it your strength, looks, abilities? If you don’t believe you’re a confident person, why is that? If you’re someone who is shy, do you need to remain that way forever? Is it possible to change and grow in this area?

In Exodus 20:12 we are told to, “Honour your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the LORD your God is giving you.” God’s view on this subject is so important to Him that He made it the first of the commandments which teach us how to deal with each other. it is only preceded in importance by the first four commandments which teach us how to obey and honour God.

God inspired Moses to record an important detail in the second record of the 10 Commandments in Deuteronomy 5 that Moses was not inspired to record in Exodus 20. Notice what is written in Deuteronomy 5:29: “Oh, that they had such a heart in them that they would fear Me and always keep all My commandments, that it might be well with them and with their children forever!”

The apostle Paul urges us to set an example of the type of mind we should have. As a Youth in the Church, you can develop three important things to grow and maintain spiritual health in your daily life.

Multiple studies have found depression and anxiety to be linked to lack of vision, a growing trend among young people in the world today. What about you? Do you have a vision for your future? Or are you just roaming through life lacking vision? Do you understand your purpose in life?

Many of you would have heard the saying, “You are what you eat!” Indeed, this is certainly a truism; that it is important to monitor what we eat and how much we consume! However, does it matter what we speak about, what words we use, and how we speak? Is this important?

If you are a youth in God’s true church, YOU have a head start on every other young person on the planet because you hopefully already have an understanding of the blessings and the peace that comes by obeying the word of God. These elements of success play an important part in living a joyful, fulfilling life.

Think about your life! Which direction are you going? Is God a part of your life or He is out of the picture? If He is, make an effort to transform your mind, thoughts, and lifestyle to God’s way. In other words, BE A TRANSFORMER!

Being born into God’s Church is one of the greatest opportunities ANYONE could ever receive in this lifetime. But ask yourself these questions: Is my heart in it?

Have you ever wondered what the Universe is made of? What are you made of? Are they the same thing? Is everything made of the same stuff?

These are people who don’t believe it is possible to know for sure that God exists. Of course, many others practice religion and some like the Hindus for example, believe that there are millions of gods. What is the Truth? Who and what is God?

It’s time to put your detective wear on again, grab your magnifying glass and spectacles, and narrow down the search even further! In this article, we will discuss the need for you to delve deeper into Church of God History, Church Government, and discern spiritual fruit.

By simply asking these three questions – and coming to the right Biblical and historical conclusions, you can KNOW and KNOW THAT YOU KNOW where God’s true Church is today!

It’s true, holidays can be fun, but when we compare them to all that the Holy Days offer, it becomes easy to see that they are a cheap copy that fall short of what the Feast and the Holy Days have to offer. When we are able to see this difference, God can bless us so much more and we will never want to stop keeping them.

If we are filled with worry, fear or uncertainty when facing any impossible situation, we should remember this story of David versus Goliath. God is preparing everyone whom He has sanctified to prevail in all circumstances.

Sport is an exhilarating activity with many physical and spiritual lessons to apply in our everyday lives!

Understand the benefits of growing up with a village lifestyle as our fellow youth keep God’s Way of life in the Pacific Islands!

Avengers aren’t just fictional superhero characters… the Bible talks about who is worthy to be an Avenger!

The Church of God helpfully focuses on four big actions we can take to draw close to God: Christians can pray, study their Bibles, fast, and meditate.

Exercise is a vital key to having a healthy life. Do you understand the importance of physical and spiritual exercise?

The Living Youth program is an exciting way to meet friends and connect with God like never before! Learn the reasons why you should be at the next LYP Camp!

Explore the exciting world of God’s handiwork through the eyes of His youth!

Watch fun-filled and interactive animations as you explore the Bible’s perfect teachings!

Explore the exciting world of God’s Creation and how science agrees with the Bible!

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