May-Aug 2024 Update
Greetings Brethren,
I hope that you all had a wonderful Feast of Trumpets wherever you were. Nicole and I had the pleasure of observing Trumpets with our members in Melbourne, Vic. As we approach the Holy Days, are you are truly excited to keep God’s Festivals? Are you making every effort to obey God’s command to assemble as we read in Leviticus 23, or are God’s Feasts a bit inconvenient? Thankfully God has given us these special days so we never forget His Love for humanity, and His desire to ultimately Tabernacle with mankind for Eternity. What a privilege to be called now as firstfruits, future kings and priests and the special invitation to be married to the Lamb. One can only imagine what it will be like to have Christ as our Husband – surely as His future bride, we are eagerly getting ready for that special day. We’re told in Revelation 19:7 “and His wife has made herself ready.” A work in progress…
To help us in this effort ….God has blessed us with 32 faithful shepherds (in the Asia Pacific Region), many who serve multiple congregations and some serving multiple countries. I do wish to express to all the ministry serving in the region, our collective gratitude and appreciation for all their labour. In many cases, we are probably not fully aware of their personal sacrifices, but they serve selflessly to prepare God’s people. Without these men and their wives, we couldn’t accomplish the work we are doing. So from all of us…thank YOU!
You will notice in the photo above, a picture of the men who serve as Pastors in the Australian work….recently we have been holding Pastoral Manual and Church Policy Reviews – a two day conference here in Adelaide. These meetings serve to ensure we are all on the same page, as we strive to preach and teach the same thing. The unity and bonds of brotherhood were certainly felt. If I may, let me introduce them to you. Mr Michael Gill, serving our congregation in Canberra, ACT. Mr Anthony Mew, serving the Brisbane congregation and our scattered members in Queensland. Mr Dave Edwards, looking after our faithful flock in Perth, WA. Mr Zig Svalbe, a faithful shepherd for God’s people in Tasmania. Mr Graeme Hemphill, serving your brethren in Sydney, NSW as well as much of regional NSW. Mr Robert Tyler (me), pastoring our Adelaide congregation. Mr Martin Montgomery, pastor, assisting in Adelaide and working in the Adelaide office as director of Media, and finally, Mr Adam Jennings, faithfully serving the growing membership in Melbourne, Vic. It is indeed a great privilege and responsibility to serve God’s Church. As such, all of God’s ministers recognize that serving you (the church) is akin to serving Jesus Christ Himself. See how the Apostle Paul writes about the special relationship Christ has with the church. Ephesians 5:30 For we are members of His body, of His flesh and of His bones. In serving you, we are indeed serving Christ!
Finally, as we witness nations in turmoil, as we see the earth in travail, clearly we are seeing the final gasps of a world struggling to survive. In the months and years ahead, no doubt many of us will perhaps experience personal trials and challenges. But through it all, let’s remember Philippians 1:6 “being confidant of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ”. Let’s all work together as we prepare for that day.
May God bless everyone with the most spiritually uplifting Festival Season ever!
In Christ’s Service
Robert Tyler
Regional Director